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Monday 18 July 2011

QE3 - What is it?

What is QE3? Quantitative Easing 3

What is QE3? A fair number of news organizations have been talking about QE3.  What is the possibility of QE3?  How will rating agencies react in the event of the QE3?  Will the value of the dollar decline if Congress approves a QE3?  Does Congress have to approve a QE3?  Is QE3 just an attempt to monetize our problems away?
Monetize is a catch all for adding money to the economy.  Contrary to popular opinion, the Fed does not create money out of thin air.  It is either printed on linen pulp paper or created with the aid of a very tangible  computer.  Somebody works very hard typing  $ and 0s, which creates value.
But what is QE3?  And for that matter what are QE1 and QE2?
The short answer is QE3 stands for Quantitative Easing (round) 3.   The Federal Reserve can stimulate the economy using any number of tools.  Quantitative easing is just one of them.
The Federal Reserve can  lower the interest rate.  If the rate is lower, then banks will be more eager to lend money to other banks.  If the rate is zero or .25% above zero then it is time dig a little deeper into the tool box.
What is QE1- the Wall Street Bailout.  The stock market is falling the stock market is falling.  Sometime during the summer and early fall of 2008 the free hand of the market got burned.  It stuck its hand into “complicated financial instruments that only a few people in the world understand” and got badly burned.  The Central Bank rushed in with socialized burn cream.
What is QE2- An ocean liner.  Which stands for Queen Elizabeth II.  (Oh, that’s the other QE2…)  Right after Halloween in 2010 the Federal Reserve decided that the US economy was not growing fast enough.  It was growing…but not fast enough.  Unemployment was hovering over 9%, a few hundred banks had failed since 2008, the price of gold had soared, homeowners were underwater.  Things were ok, but the Fed decided to give the recovery a little boost.  So, they  bought Treasury Bonds.  Lots of them.  And unlike QE1, QE2 didn’t have any specific goal in mind— So yes it was a success.
What is QE3- Well, nobody knows for sure yet.  Maybe the Federal Reserve will buy more Tbills. Or maybe they will bailout banks again.   Or maybe the Fed will, oh what the hell.  Nobody expects the US will ever pay back $14 trillion.  So, go ahead raise the debt ceiling. What’s another trillion or two?  Go ahead Moody — downgrade our credit rating.  QE3 will work, you’ll see!
NB : Directed from link : http://afreakshow.com/2011/06/what-is-qe3-quantitative-easing-3/


  1. Asmkm, b

    Bagi yg yidak memahami istilah ekonomi, bolehkah kita katakan bhw QE3 adalah cubaan ketiga k'jaan US utk menyelamatkan ekonominya yg dijangku merudum?


  2. wslm.
    Betul tu tuan. untuk bg mudah paham,kerajaan US telah pun melakukan pelbagai cara 'bail out' untuk menyelamatkan ekonominya.dan yg terkini ia dipanggil QE3 Quantitative Easing 3
