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Friday 15 July 2011

James Turk: Just “Several More Days of Silver in The 30"s

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With silver and gold rallying strongly against the tide of the risk-off trade, bullion expert James Turk forecasts that silver is about to launch into the 40s, as more nervous investors come to terms with the inevitability of further devaluations and/or sovereign defaults, forced upon the world’s central banks by investors and weak politicians.
“One never knows exactly how the markets will unfold, but my sense is that we only have several more days of silver in the 30s,” Turk told King World News. “Once silver clears $38 on a closing basis, you are going to get back into the mid 40s in a heartbeat.”
Turk, the founder and president of overseas precious metals storage firm Goldmoney.com has warned long ago of the events playing out in Europe today, so his words carry significant weight among the bullion community.  The timing of his call back in January for silver to reach $50 by June 30 was considered reckless and daring at the time.  But history has proved him correct.  Silver reached an intraday high of $49.70 on May 2, just pennies shy of $50 and a month sooner than he expected.
Recently, Turk (along with another PM giant, Jim Sinclair) has differed with another hard-money advocate, Marc Faber, on the direction of precious metals prices during the months of July and August.  Faber expects the precious metals to meander in the hot summer months, which is a bet that the long-standing historical record of weakness during that time is most likely.  On the other hand, Turk anticipates a repeat of 1982, the year of the Mexican peso devaluations.
“The action in gold and silver so far this summer indicates to me that this is in fact poised to be explosive on the upside,” Turk explaind.  “Nobody is talking about this, but it could be a reality in short order.  Here it is nearly 30 years after the breathtaking summer of 1982, and history is about to repeat all over again.”
Turk’s battle with Marc Faber in the fight to be right on the outcome of precious metals during the summer months favors Turk, at the moment.
Gold and silver took center stage during the flurry of bullion-friendly news coming from both sides of the Atlantic, yesterday.  The timing of the news releases from both sides of the Atlantic seemed contrived, timed and salvo-like, as the dollar and euro battle it out in the race to cut sovereign debt loads through currency devaluations.  Gold reached new highs in the euro and new closing high in dollars.  Overall, gold was the winner in the scramble out of euros.
Tuesday’s news of widening spreads between the German and Italian 10-year notes, as well as soaring CDS pricing of Italian debt; an IMF warning launched by the new French (but Ameri-centric) chief, Christine Lagarde, at Italy, chiding the Italians for dragging its feet on implementing its own austerity plan; Moody’s downgrading Ireland to junk; FOMC minutes release, which strongly hints at the possibility of further stimulus from the Fed is coming; the posturing war that’s broken out between Democrats and Republicans over the U.S. federal budget; and the timely strengthening of the Japanese yen to save the day from a dollar breakout of 76 on the USDX have demonstrated the desperation among the officialdom and the equally fearful investor who searches for a truly safe haven.
“Eric this is the start of the next big leg higher in the precious metals,” suggested Turk.  “We’re at a new record closing high in gold today, that is extraordinary considering it is happening against the headwind of a stronger dollar.  There is an important message here, Eric, money fleeing the Euro is not just going to the dollar, it’s flowing into the metal of kings.”
As the public enjoys summertime vacations and respite from the daily slew of bad economic and political news, Turk sees the investor public mostly unaware of the theft of purchasing power currently in progress.  But for the precious metals stalwarts and recent converts, this summer could be a very profitable one.
“People are recognizing that the only true safe haven is the precious metals,” said Turk.  “There are still so few people talking about gold and silver having an explosive summer.  The only place I’ve heard it is on KWN.  The fact that there is still so little bullish sentiment just reconfirms my view that gold and silver are ready to rocket higher.”
It will be mighty interesting to see if silver does indeed exceed $38, and if an assault on the May 2 high is in store for the silver faithfuls.

NB : Directed from link : http://www.straightsilver.com/updates/?utm_source=Email06282011&utm_medium=Email06282011&utm_campaign=Email06282011

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