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Sunday 31 July 2011

Kiraan Inflasi Duit Ringgit Melalui Gaji Guru 1907 dan 2011 dan harga Beras.

Hari ini, kita belajar mengira inflasi duit kertas yang ada hari ini apabila ianya tidak lagi disandarkan kepada emas atau perak atau sebarang komoditi berharga.

Dahulu, duit kita adalah emas dan perak , tapi hari ini, duit kita hanya helaian kertas yang dicop nilainya.

Takpe, kita kira dulu buat perbandingan.

Sebelum tu, sila rujuk gambar 1 ringgit tahun 1907 dalam gambar di link bawah ini.

Berat  1 ringgit = 27 gram perak 90%  atau = 24.3 gram perak tulen

Ketika tahun itu 1907 , gaji guru di Penang dan harga beras dilakarkan seperti berikut
"Their salary (teacher) was about $80 a month. Rice was sold at 8 gantang for a dollar"

Kita terpaksa ambil skala gaji paling tinggi Guru (RM 5000) bagi disesuaikan dengan taraf V.I (Victoria Institution) ketika itu.

Sekarang kita memasuki fasa baru, iaitu timbangan.

Apa itu gantang?

Kita merujuk manusia pada zaman itu .

Other sources say , in the Straits Settlement a gantang was 32 imperial gallon.
1 imperial gallon (about 4.56 liters or 1.2 U.S. gallons)

** sumber lain mengatakan , di Straits Settlement , 1 gantang bersamaan 32 imperial gallon.
1  imperial gallon = 4.56 liter ,
32 imperial gallon = 145.92 liter

Melalui ujikaji yang dibuat oleh seorang sahabat saya , beliau menggunakan beras jenama "AAA Beras Bukit" yang bila ditimbang

1 liter = 820g ;
4.56 liters x 0.82kg = 3.739 kg

1 gantang straits settlement = 3.74kg (of rice) x 32 = 119.65kg (beras)

Ingat , 1 ringgit tahun 1907 boleh beli 8 gantang beras.
119.65kg x 8 gantang = 957.22kg

1 ringgit boleh membeli 957.22 kg beras.

Gaji guru pada tahun 1907 adalah 80 ringgit.
80 ringgit x 957.22 kg  = 76 576kg beras.

Secara kasar , gaji seorang guru sebulan adalah 80 ringgit atau 76 576 kg beras.

Mari kita mengira gaji guru-guru kita pada hari ini. (secara perabndingan )

Ni kita ambil gaji guru yang bekerja di sekolah, atau institusi swasta, gaji kasar RM 5000 sebulan.

Harga beras hari ini, 1 kg = RM 3.20
RM 5000 / 3.20 = 1562.5 kg beras.

Maksudnya, gaji guru kita satu bulan hari ini = 1562.5 kg beras.

Cuba kalian letak beza antara gaji guru tahun 1907 dan hari ini.

1907 - 80 ringgit  = 76 576 kg beras
2011 - RM 5000   = 1562.5 kg beras

Ada beza tak?

Tahun 1907 - 1 ringgit boleh beli 957 kg beras.
Tahun 2011 - RM 1 boleh beli  - 0. 312 kg beras sahaja .atau 312 GRAM sahaja.

Gantang Yang Kecil Sedikit

Kalau kita tengok logik dari kiraan di atas, macam keterlaluan jika kata 1 ringgit boleh beli 1 tan beras!
Melampau betul.

Ok-ok..kalau kalian rasa macam melampau, kita kira balik guna sukatan gantang selepas merdeka.
Gantang selepas merdeka ni kecil sket.

ni kiraan saya melalui laman ini punya info

1 gantang = 4 cupak = 2.8kg
1 ringgit = 8 gantang = 22.4kg beras

80 ringgit = 1792 kg beras.
perbandingan dengan gaji guru Cikgu biasa - 1563 kg.

jadi, sebenarnya inflasi ringgit itu bersamaan :

1 ringgit 1907 = 22.4 kg beras
22.4 kg beras 2011 = RM 71.68

kehilangan nilai ringgit 1907 kepada 2011 adalah

1 ringgit 1907 boleh beli = 22.4kg beras , 80 ringgit = 1792 kg beras

1 ringgit 2011 boleh beli = 312 gram beras ,RM 5000 = 1562.5 kg beras


nilai Ringgit berbanding beras susut sebanyak 98.6071% i.e. [ (0.312 kg – 22.4kg )/ 22.4kg ]x 100%.

Perhatikan bahawa jika koin Ringgit perak (27 g) dijual sebagai “raw silver” pada... harga “runtuh” RM3.00 per gram; maka koin tersebut bernilai = 27g x RM3.00/g = RM81.

Katalah 1 kg beras = RM3.20 ;

maka koin Ringgit perak setara dengan 25.31 kg beras i.e RM81/RM3.20; hampir sama dengan kesetaraan pada tahun 1907 (22.4kg). Nah! Bukankah ini bukti bahawa koin perak menyimpan nilai belinya walaupun masa berlalu 104 tahun.

Kalian lagi suka gaji dibayar dengan duit kertas lagi?

Inilah yang terjadi bila duit tak guna barang bernilai sebenar.
Kalian ingat lagi kan kisah duit daun pisang zaman jepun?

Sekarang ni, waktu untuk kembali kepada duit emas (dinar) dan duit perak (dirham).

Kalian nak tunggu duit kertas kalian tak bernilai baru terhegeh-hegeh?

Bila kita tak ikut Allah dalam urusan kehidupan kita, beginilah jadi kepada kita, setiap tahun kita dimiskinkan dan semakin susah.
Cepat sebelum terlambat

Tuesday 26 July 2011

No Matter What… Buy Silver

A lot of my friends are having kids right now. Over the weekend, we had some friends over for dinner. One of them brought his eight-year-old daughter. She loves animals, and was great with all our dogs and horses, but we ended the night exhausted! Explaining the rules, keeping a watchful eye over the bigger dogs, reminding her to use her inside voice... I'm still tired from the visit. And I can't begin to imagine how much harder it would be with two kids. Especially with the arguments, trying to decide who's right and who needs a time-out. The mainstream financial media is like a couple of eight-year-olds. We hear arguments from both sides -- corporate earnings are beating records, but at the same time joblessness could jump to 10% again. Which is it? And how do you plan an investment strategy against such bipolar predictions? Here at Smart Investing Daily, we believe the U.S. economy is at another tipping point. The recent market rallies are unsustainable, are similar to an extinction burst... You know, when a child is throwing a tantrum and he lets out one last big scream before he falls asleep. But in case I'm wrong, wouldn't it be nice to know of an investment that could make you profits if the market rises or falls? Well, I've got one for you...

Invest in Silver

Silver is an interesting precious metal. It protects against inflation like gold. But silver also has a lot of industrial uses. That makes it like copper, which booms during economic recoveries. One of the toughest aspects of gold is to find out if it's trading more as a currency or a commodity. Is gold demand up because of concerns about the debt crisis? Or is gold up because of jewelry demand in India and China? It's an important question, but one that doesn't apply in the same way to silver. Silver straddles the metals industry. Certainly, gold and platinum have industrial uses, and we like both of these precious metals as investments right now. Consider this, though. About a quarter of all platinum consumption came from recycled platinum. That's not the case with silver, and that could mean increased demand during an economic recovery. In fact, 487.4 million ounces of silver were used for industrial purposes in 2010. That's well over four times the amount of silver used to make coins and medals. That's also a gain of about 20% from 2009. Not bad in a struggling economy. With uses that span electrical circuits, water purification, photography and other industries, industrial silver demand makes up 66% of silver production. But there's another aspect of silver that should get your attention -- silver investments. World investment demand climbed 40% last year to more than 279 million ounces. And get this... Hedge funds and money managers increased their silver positions by 19% last week, according to the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission... the third week of gains. (Don't forget to sign up for Smart Investing Daily and let me and fellow editor Jared Levy simplify the market for you with our easy-to-understand articles.)

How High Could Silver Prices Go?

Bloomberg reports that silver could climb as high as $70 an ounce by next March... a jump of almost 75% from current prices. Let's take a look at a chart to see if this is a realistic forecast.This is a chart of silver futures for September delivery. See that pop from late April? A huge move... but prices fell short of silver's all-time high of $50.35 an ounce in January 1980. Since January 2011,silver prices have climbed 26%. That's not a bad gain; it beats gold's gain of 12% handily. But that's not near the pace silver would need to climb in order to meet a 75% gain by next March. Is it possible? Yes. Between September 2010 and May 2011, silver prices climbed 140%. But just as quickly, a huge chunk of that gain disappeared when silver prices dropped from $48 back below $35. Realistically, silver prices may test that all-time high by Thanksgiving. At that point, smart investors should ruthlessly protect their gains. That strong resistance silver shows around $50 an ounce will be tough to beat. Expect a drop in prices anywhere above $48. For investors considering an exchange-traded fund like the iShares Silver Trust (SLV:NYSE), look to the price spike in late April to find your resistance point. For investors looking at silver mining companies, be aware that mining costs, like fuel prices, impact profits. Keep an eye on operating margins as companies report earnings. Lower margins could mean lower earnings moving forward. Publisher's Note: Taipan's Michael Robinson is the best in the business when it comes to playing the silver market. So far this year, he has led American Wealth Underground subscribers to gains of 200%, 68%, 140% and 353%... all thanks to silver and the metals market. Michael recently unveiled his latest special report. There is a strong chance it will lead to his biggest gains yet. To learn what our silver expert has uncovered, follow the link.
Article brought to you by Taipan Publishing Group. Additional valuable content can be syndicated via our News RSS feed. Republish without charge. Required: Author attribution, links back to original content or www.taipanpublishinggroup.com

Monday 25 July 2011

The CGP - the Coach and Grow Programme (Malaysian 2011 Budget)

In the Malaysian 2011 Budget tabled last year, it was announced by the Prime Minister that Cradle Fund Sdn Bhd (Cradle) would be tasked to lead a programme that would train existing entrepreneurs to grow their businesses to greater heights. Thus, the formulation of the Coach and Grow Programme (CGP), a market driven programme intended to bring together key players in the entrepreneurial ecosystem to train existing entrepreneurs to grow their businesses to greater heights, via coaching, networking and showcase events. 
The CGP was mooted with the intent of overcoming challenges faced by entrepreneurs by looking into the key reasons entrepreneurs fail to grow or scale during crucial stages of their growth life cycle. Through the programme, Cradle aims to create a pipeline of high quality investable companies at various stages of growth for funding agencies, angel investors and venture capitalists (VCs); increase the number of companies that “survive” the pre-seed and seed stages of growth; fortify companies that are born global or intending to penetrate export markets to scale and go global; and encourage companies to explore IPOs as a funding avenue for growth and expansion. 
To ensure the success of the programme, Cradle has entered a collaborative agreement with Technopreneurs Association of Malaysia (TeAM), whereby Cradle will be the Programme Owner and TeAM will be the Project Manager to implement the coaching, training, and other capability development aspects of the programme, together with the support of Proficeo Consultants Sdn Bhd (Proficeo), who has been appointed the Programme Manager of the CGP for the purpose of implementation of coaching, training and the appointment of coaches for the CGP. 
The CGP is also supported by the Malaysian Venture Capital & Private Equity Association (MVCA) and the Securities Commission (SC). The MVCA is a key supporting partner that serves as a member of the CGP’s Evaluation Panel and also participates as a Guest Coach, besides offering advisory, mentoring and guidance support to CGP participants. 
The programme aims to help entrepreneurs face challenges such as those identified by the CGP team as follows: 
    • The difficulty faced by pre-seed companies in getting early adopters
    • The challenge faced by growth stage companies in achieving sustainability during the first few years of commercialisation
    • The challenge of scaling and quick expansion faced by companies that manage to achieve sustainability
    • The fear of going regional and global with no strategy to capture market in an unfamiliar foreign territory, faced by medium-sized enterprises

Thus, as a result of the challenges faced by entrepreneurs: 
    • Many companies that receive grant funding fail
    • The rate or commercialisation as a whole is low
    • There is a poor pipeline of fundable businesses being channelled to venture capitalists
    • Technology companies do not have real initial public offering (IPO) potential
    • The failure of growth and expansion of technology ventures leads to lower contribution to employment, smaller contribution towards national gross domestic product (GDP) and gross national income (GNI), lower exports and lack of contribution towards the national drive to create a high-income economy

To create the optimal hands-on effect, the CGP is by design, a hands-on business improvement programme. It is a coaching and training programme designed to provide entrepreneurs with the tools and ‘show-how’ to implement strategies and plans during commercialisation and growth stages. 
Entrepreneurial teams from the idea stage to the pre-IPO stage will be targeted for the CGP with customised programmes designed to delve into key challenges faced by entrepreneurs during each stage of growth. The programme hopes to obtain 80% of its candidates from government agencies while 20% of the available spots will be opened for private companies to apply. 
The selection of entrepreneurs for the CGP will be based on two phases. In Stage I, the Application and Selection Process, a total of 250 companies or teams will be pre-identified and selected for this programme. All companies or teams intending to apply should be developing innovative technology or solutions with large business potential. Each company or team should also be represented by a minimum of two individuals. The 250 companies or teams selected will then be awarded a conditional scholarship from Cradle to attend the programme. Upon signing the scholarship agreement with Cradle, all 250 companies or teams will be required (mandatory) to send 2 representatives to attend a Business Positioning Workshop where they will be trained and prepared to present an elevator pitch to an Evaluation Panel. 
The Evaluation Panel, comprising a representative from Cradle, an industry representative (TeAM), a representative from the investment community (MVCA) and the coach appointed to run the programme will then evaluate and select the top 150 most promising companies or teams. The 150 companies or teams selected by the Evaluation Panel will then be formally notified and invited to progress to Stage II of the CGP, the Coaching stage. This stage will cover formal Group Training and One-to-One Coaching during the first 3 months, followed by 9-months of implementation and monitoring which will be conducted informally. During this time, representatives will be required to implement activities and plans, which will be tracked and monitored. Representatives will also be required to submit monthly progress reports, which will be used to identify the best performing companies that will then be selected to receive additional assistance. This additional assistance forms Stage III of the CGP, which includes invitation to participate in the Funders Showcases for the top 30% of high performers. However, there will also be supporting CGP events, such as Agency and Industry Showcases held during this stage, which will be available to all 150 companies or teams that participated in the CGP. 
The criteria for selection will vary from programme to programme but the overall objective of this two phase selection process is to identify companies or teams that have high potential for successful commercialisation, for grooming. In addition to this, companies or teams that are operating in or developing solutions for the National Key Economic Areas (NKEAs) will be given preference. 
The 150 companies or teams selected to attend the personalised business coaching programme must commit to sending two representatives, whereby the representatives must be founder level, C-level or senior management level individuals who have decision making powers within the organisation and therefore would be able to implement strategies discussed during the individualised coaching sessions. 
The CGP’s overall objectives are as follows: 
    • To create a pipeline of high quality investable companies at various stages of growth for Funding Agencies, Angel Investors and Venture Capitalists (VCs)
    • To increase the number of companies that “survive” the Pre-Seed and Seed stages of growth
    • To fortify companies that are born global or intending to penetrate export markets to scale and go global
    • To encourage companies to explore IPOs as a funding avenue for growth and expansion

For more Info visit http://cgp.com.my/ 

US politicians take financial markets back to the edge again

The battle royal between the Republicans and Democrats over the extension of the US debt ceiling above $14.3 trillion, or a historic 100 per cent of GDP, reaches its conclusion this week.
Markets will fall as the debate heats up and brinksmanship takes over. But equally predictable is the rally when the politicians make a deal, rather like the eurozone crisis of the past few weeks and months.
High stakes
However, what is at stake is far more than the need to secure enough funds to stop the US federal government running out of money and a debt default on August 2nd.
A government debt of more than 100 per cent is a classic alarm signal. It is only right that this is debated in a public forum and the issues aired now.
For above 100 per cent a country’s bond market will begin to raise interest rates to slow debt accumulation down. It does so for good reason.
The debt is now so big that servicing the interest starts to become impossible without borrowing even more. So borrowing is needed to finance borrowing and the debt starts to balloon.
As the debt inflates so does the money supply and consumer price inflation and the unit of currency devalues. That is why gold and silver priced in US dollars are jumping in price and gold is at another all-time high.
Importantly for investors there is no easy solution for politicians to vote a solution. Raising the debt ceiling gets us past August 2nd but it achieves little else.
1970s deja vu
The inevitable denouement remains. To ArabianMoney it looks like becoming a more intense version of the stagflation and dollar weakness of the 1970s.
You therefore have to position your asset allocation to profit from this and not in such a way as to lose from it as most investment classes that performed well in the past will undoubtedly do.
For legal reasons we cannot give specific investment advice on this website. We keep that for our monthly investment newsletter, the only independently produced one from Arabia, and not surprisingly the subscription levels are rising as this crisis develops 
NB : Directed from link : http://www.arabianmoney.net/gold-silver/2011/07/25/us-politicians-take-financial-markets-back-to-the-edge-again/

Sunday 24 July 2011

6 Sebab Utama Mengapa Perlu Melabur Emas

Assalamualaikum wbt & salam sejahtera
Saya mula berjinak-jinak dalam membeli dan melabur dalam emas awal tahun ini. Sekiranya anda ingin melabur dalam emas, saya cadangkan anda belajar dan kaji terlebih dahulu tentang pelaburan emas ini. Banyak website dan blog yang anda boleh belajar dan membaca artikel penuh informasi secara percuma sekiranya anda tidak mampu membeli buku. Cara mudah ialah “search” sahaja di google :)  
Dalam tulisan kali ini, saya akan kongsikan secara ringkas 6 sebab utama untuk melabur dalam emas.
6 Sebab utama mengapa perlu melabur dalam emas :
  1. Selamat setiap masa dalam pasaran semasa.
  2. Mampu mengawal inflasi.
  3. Mampu mengawal pengedaran matawang dolar.
  4. Sebagai pasaran komoditi ianya adalah pasaran yang bagus dan baik kerana mempunyai pulangan yang tinggi.
  5. Penyimpan nilai.
  6. Portfolio dalam mengelak berlaku inflasi.
Di bawah ini pula satu artikel menarik berkaitan pelaburan emas dan perak dalam bahasa inggeris. 

Four Fundamental Reasons to Buy Gold and Silver – 29 June 2011

Gold and silver remain good investments, so long as you go about it the right way…
THE REASONS to Buy Gold and silver – and by that I mean physical gold and silver – are pretty straightforward, writes Chris Martenson
So let’s begin with the primary reasons to Buy Gold.
  1. To protect against monetary recklessness
  2. As insulation against fiscal foolishness
  3. As insurance against the possibility of a major calamity in the banking/financial system
  4. For the embedded ‘option value’ that will pay out if and when gold is remonetized
By ‘monetary recklessness,’ I mean the creation of money out of thin air and the application of more liquidity than the productive economy actually needs. The central banks of the world have been doing this for decades, not just since the onset of the great financial crisis. 
In gold terms, the supply of above-ground gold is growing at roughly 3% per year, while money supply has been growing at nearly three times that yearly rate since 1980.
Now this is admittedly an unfair view, because the economy has been growing, too. But money and credit growth have handily outpaced even the upwardly distorted GDP measurements by a wide margin. 
As the economy stagnates under this too-large debt load while the credit system continues to operate as if perpetual expansion were possible, look for all the resulting extra dollars to show up in prices of goods and services. 
Real interest rates are deeply negative (meaning that the rate of inflation is higher than Treasury bond yields). This is a forced, manipulated outcome courtesy of central banks that are buying bonds with thin-air money. Historically, periods of negative real interest rates are nearly always associated with outsized returns for commodities, especially precious metals. If and when real interest rates turn positive, I will reconsider my holdings in gold and silver, but not until then. 
That is as close to an absolute requirement as I have in this business.
Monetary policies across the developed world remain as accommodating as they’ve ever been. Even Greenspan’s 1% blow-out special in 2003 was not as steeply negative in real terms as what Bernanke has recently engineered. But it is the highly aggressive and ‘alternative’ use of the Federal Reserve balance sheet to prop up insolvent banks and to sop up extra Treasury debt that really has me worried. 
There seems to be no way to end these ever-expanding programs, and they seem to have become a permanent feature of the economic and financial landscape. In Europe, the equivalent would be the sovereign debt now found on the European Central Bank (ECB) balance sheet. 
Federal deficits are seemingly out of control and are now stuck in the -$1.5 trillion range. Massive deficit spending has always been inflationary, and inflation is usually gold/silver friendly. Although not always, mind you, as the correlation is not strong, especially during mild inflation (less than 5%). 
Note, for example, that gold fell from its high in 1980 all the way to its low in 1998, an 18 year period with plenty of mild inflation along the way. Sooner or later, though, I expect extraordinary budget deficits to translate into extraordinary inflation.
Reason #3, insurance against a major calamity in the banking system, is an important part of my rationale for holding gold. I’m not referring to “paper gold” either, which includes the various tradable vehicles (like the “GLD” ETF) that you can buy like stocks through your broker. 
I’m talking about physical gold and silver because of their unusual ability to sit outside of the banking/monetary system and act as monetary assets.
All other financial assets – including your paper US money – is simultaneously somebody else’s liability, but gold and silver are not. They are simply, boringly, just assets. This is a highly desirable characteristic that is not easily replicated.
Should the banking system suffer a systemic breakdown, to which I ascribe a reasonably high probability of greater than 1-in-4 over the next 5 years, I expect banks to close for some period of time. Whether it’s two weeks or six months is unimportant; no matter the length of time, I’d prefer to be holding gold than bank deposits.
During a banking holiday, your money will be frozen and left just sitting there, even as everything priced in money (especially imported items) rocket up in price. By the time your money is again available to you, you may find that a large portion of it has been looted by the effects of a collapsing currency. 
How do you avoid this? Easy; keep some ‘money’ out of the system to spend during an emergency. I always advocate three months of living expenses in cash, but you owe it to yourself to have gold and silver in your possession as well.
The final reason for holding gold, because it may be remonetized, is actually a very big draw for me. While the probability of this coming to pass may be low, the rewards would be very high.
Here are some numbers: The total amount of ‘official gold,’ or that held by central banks around the world, is 30,684 tonnes, or 987 million troy ounces. In 2008 the total amount of money stock in the world was roughly $60 trillion.
If the world wanted 100% gold backing of all existing money, then the implied price for an ounce of gold is $60 trillion divided by 987 million ounces – $60,790 per troy ounce.
Clearly that’s a silly number (or is it?), but even a 10% partial backing of money yields $6,000 per ounce. The point here is not to bandy about outlandish numbers, but merely to point out that unless a great deal of the world’s money stock is destroyed somehow, or a lot more official gold is bought from the market and placed into official hands, backing even a fraction of the world’s money supply by gold will result in a far higher number than today’s $1500 per ounce.
Chris Martenson29 Jun ’11
Chris Martenson PhD is an economic researcher and futurist specializing in resource depletion, and creator of the widely-viewed video seminar, The Crash Course. He is also author of the recent bookThe Crash Course: The Unsustainable Future of Our Economy, Energy & Environment (Wiley & Sons). His regular anlysis and commentary can be read at ChrisMartenson.com

NB : Directed from link : http://mursyidi.com/blog/4-sebab-utama-untuk-membeli-emas-dan-perak/

Wednesday 20 July 2011

1 oz. Morgan Design Silver Bars

1 oz. Morgan Design Silver Bars for sale at GoldSilver.smsbiz - 0133747792 (KUALA LUMPUR)