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Thursday 27 October 2011

Stocks fall, gold and silver gain as Germany rejects eurozone crisis deal

All major stock markets broke their recent rallies yesterday and precious metals rose to a one-month high as it became clear that Germany was unwilling to pay the bill for an effective eurozone crisis deal.
First a meeting of finance ministers scheduled for today was cancelled and matters kicked upstairs to the leaders of the 27 EU members and 17 euro states. Then it became apparent from officials that Germany is the stumbling block to an enhanced role for the ECB in guaranteeing sovereign debt.
The German parliament is about to pass a motion explicitly ruling out the buying of more debt by the ECB. By blocking this action the Germans are surely going to tip Italian bonds over the edge with a huge spike in yields. They are already perilously close to the key six per cent level.
German angst
It remains to be seen what face-saving package the EU leaders can put together tonight. But it appears we are back where we started. EU officials are right the Germans will not support these measures until they have seen the crisis, so we will now get one.
How long will the markets give the eurozone after this political failure? The reaction should be almost instant and we only saw a first glimpse of the sell-off yesterday. Markets that are disappointed can get very nasty.
Gold and silver proved an instant winner with $1,715 and $33.10 an ounce one-month highs. Whether that can be maintained in a true sell-off is less likely as precious metals tend to get sold down with everything else in a real rout like in 2008-9.
But that much could be different this time.
NB : directed from link : http://www.arabianmoney.net/gold-silver/2011/10/26/stocks-fall-gold-and-silver-gain-as-germany-rejects-eurozone-crisis-deal/

Monday 8 August 2011

29 VALID reasons to buy SILVER OVER GOLD

Here is the list of 29 reasons to buy silver over gold.

  1. Due to the tiny size of the Silver market and the lack of physical Silver available to the manipulators, the Silver battle is much easier to win than Gold. Ted Butler’s discovery of massive Silver market manipulation highlights the size, scope and importance of Silver to the current financial crisis.
  2. Central banks have NO physical Silver to assist in the manipulation of the Silver market but they still have a lot of physical Gold (although much less than they claim).
  3. The majority of Silver mined every year is consumed as an industrial metal in very small amounts and will never return to the market whereas the amount of above ground Gold grows year after year.
  4. Due to its low price and superior physical properties, Silver has developed into a vital and necessary industrial commodity that makes it mandatory for modern life. If we woke up tomorrow and gold vanished from the face of the earth, life would continue pretty much as it was the day before. Without silver, modern life would change.
  5. Due to the relative very low price of silver and very high price of gold, the man in the street is in a position to buy silver in much greater quantities than gold.
  6. In various forms there is an estimated 5B oz of above ground Gold and 5B oz of above ground Silver but Gold trades [around] $1500 per . and Silver trades for about $35 per ozt. Both metal prices are obviously manipulated but Silver appears to be manipulated more. As for Silver bullion that is “in play” for the manipulators, I estimate that less than 200M oz. remain with a current market value less than $7B.
  7. Silver has been in a supply deficit for over 50 years! Governments held approximately 10B oz of silver in 1950 and have been supplying that physical stock steadily into the market. Today there is no more of that surplus silver left to sell.
  8. There are only 14 years of known Silver reserves remaining in the world at current consumption rates according toUSGS. AFTER THAT SILVER WILL BE GONE FOREVER! Think about it.
  9. Demand for Silver is “inelastic” in its industrial applications because it is used in such small quantities per application. An increase in price does not translate into a decrease in consumption.
  10. The COMEX Silver short position is the largest concentrated short position of any commodity, on any exchange in the history of financial markets. [Read this (3) article for more information.]
  11. Throughout human monetary history the Silver to Gold ratio hovered in the 10-1 range until the invention of futures and options trading in metals. After the massive manipulation maneuvers by the Banking Cabal the silver-gold ratio now stands at over 40-1. [Read this (4) article to find out what effect $3,000, $5,000 or even $10,000 per ozt. for gold would have on the price of silver based on these historical silver:gold relationships.]
  12. As defined in the Coinage Act of 1792, the U.S. dollar is Silver, not Gold, and contains “three hundred and seventy-one grains and four sixteenth parts of a grain of pure, or four hundred and sixteen grains of standard silver” according to Wikipedia
  13. Silver is massively under reported in the media vs. Gold. Even Jim Rogers, the commodity guru, purposefully ignores Silver entirely in his best selling book “Hot Commodities” even though Silver exceeds all other commodities using his metrics on what makes a strong commodity.
  14. Very few investors have physical Silver in their possession. Reasoning: because they claim it is “too hard to store”. Does that mean when Silver trades at over $1,000 per ozt. that people will be more willing to buy and store physical Silver? It is difficult to make up a more bullish argument to take delivery and store physical Silver TODAY…when the Cabal price rigging scam finally fails you can always buy your own Fort Knox to store all that pesky Silver you bought!
  15. Silver’s fundamentals are even stronger than Gold’s so when the gold manipulation stops and the Gold price takes off investors will be looking for the next under-priced investment with similar characteristics.
  16. 470M oz of Silver owned by the US Treasury… has been sold into the physical market to support the “Strong Dollar Policy”.
  17. Most of the large deposits of Silver have probably already been found and/or already mined limiting future discoveriesbecause of the fact that Silver mineral deposits, as opposed to Gold, are usually very shallow in the earth’s crust due to the nature of the geology.
  18. There is a significant problem with counterfeit Gold coins and bars because of its high price. Silver coins and small bars have not, to date, had as much of a counterfeiting issue because its price did not justify the effort. (although there is a problem with counterfeit Silver jewelry which may significantly suppress Silver scrap recovery in the future…oddly bullish by-product of counterfeiting Silver!)
  19. The total dollar value of the Silver market is a fraction of the total dollar value of the Gold market.
  20. Retail physical shortages of Silver are already beginning to appear around the world. The list of announced delays/curtailment by Government owned Mints now includes EVERY MAJOR SILVER COIN PRODUCING COUNTRY IN THE WORLD! [See this article (5) on the shortage of silver for coin production.]
  21. Hedge funds are bleeding from the credit crunch and they are looking for ways to save themselves. A single hedge fund can scoop up the remaining physical Silver and blow the price sky high.
  22. In the US, Gold confiscation laws are still on the books but there are currently no silver confiscation laws.
  23. As of early 2011 the Gold price is hovering around $1,500 or 175% of its historical high. Silver, on the other hand, is hovering around $35 or 70% of it’s historical high suggesting that Silver has a long way still to go.
  24. Un-backed paper Silver programs (such as silver certificates and unallocated pooled accounts are the “industry standard” these days and) will be scrambling for metal when redemptions are called in by the investors. The most egregious example of fractional reserve silver is the iShares Silver ETF (SLV).
  25. In the past few years the massive global money creation by central banks around the world has created huge reservoirs of cash sloshing around the asset markets looking for a safe haven. Although most mainstream press have discussed Gold as being a likely bucket to fill with this monetary firehouse, SILVER has all the same monetary metal properties as Gold except the Silver market is SO small it would be like FILLING A DIXIE CUP WITH THE FIREHOUSE!
  26. The CFTC still has an open investigation into the manipulation of the SILVER market that is being conducted not by their investigative division but by the CFTC “Enforcement Division”. Although the final conclusions have been purposefully delayed by the CFTC, the final outcome may finally be the END OF THE 50 YEAR MANIPULATION OF THE SILVER MARKET!…
  27. The growth of emerging economies in Asia will require more and more industrial silver to build out their electric infrastructure and provide a higher standard of living for their middle class. In a global market that has been in a silver supply deficit for years a silver bidding war will result in order to obtain the significant amounts of silver needed…
  28. There are currently multiple class action lawsuits that have been filed against JP Morgan for blatantly rigging the silver market. Given that JP Morgan has previously claimed immunity from legal prosecution because they are an agent of the US Government I doubt the suits will ever be brought to trial…BUT the publicity of them “claiming immunity” AGAIN will be the “silver shot heard around the world”…
  29. Inventors around the world are making significant breakthroughs in the attempt to solve our energy crisis. From fuel cells to solar power to zero point energies that existed only in our imaginations breakthroughs are quickly coming down the pike. Since silver is the BEST CONDUCTOR OF ELECTRICITY in the world it is likely that the most powerful breakthroughs will involve the special properties of silver.
If all the above reasons are not enough for you to run out and buy all the physical silver you can get your hands on then I’m sure there will be new reasons not far off on the horizon because for the last 10 years this list has continued to GROW…RELENTLESSLY!
It’s true that there are “NO SURE THINGS” in life…but an investment in SILVER comes DARN CLOSE! Yes, you’ll have to ride the tidal wave of price manipulation but when the waves die down you will fully appreciate the power and value of SILVER.
Don’t believe the silver haters…load up on physical silver and keep it out of the hands of those who want to control it. Take it home and stick it in your safe. It may be your last chance!
NB : points taken from original text from link : http://www.munknee.com/2011/05/why-you-should-buy-silver-instead-of-gold/

$200 Silver as COMEX Faces Default

Critically Low Warehouse Inventories Could Sink the Exchange

By Greg McCoach
Friday, August 5th, 2011

Close your browser... shut down your computer... and go buy silver!
The price of silver pulled back 8% yesterday afternoon, carving out a phenomenal investment opportunity for you right now.
aug 5 2011 silver chart
At last look, spot silver stands at $39.21 an ounce. But the window to own silver below $40/oz will be open only for a short time, because silver prices are headed for an explosive breakout.
Silver will rebound to $60 an ounce following this correction on surging demand — and then quite possibly to $150-$200 an ounce amid growing concerns that the COMEX itself could default over critically low physical warehouse inventories.
While gold continues to claim the media spotlight, silver investors will be cut the biggest paychecks.
You see, there's one thing they never tell you about gold: 95% of all the gold that has ever been produced is still around in one form or another in coins, bars, artifacts, and jewelry. In fact the same gold that was mined in Egypt 8,000 years ago could be in a piece of jewelry you own today.
Gold has been historically priced ten to twenty times more than silver. So the reclamation of silver is not a priority as it is with gold...
The universal and intrinsic value of gold ensures the yellow metal is saved and recycled to be used in different applications throughout time.
But silver is different. Silver disappears from the market over time; 95% of the silver that has ever been mined has already been consumed by industrial use. That silver is gone forever — unrecoverable at any price.
    Silver Industrial Demand   
Last year, electrical and electronics demand for silver reached an all-time high of 243 million ounces. In 2010 alone:
  • Cell phones used 13 million ounces of silver
  • Computers consumed another 22 million silver ounces
  • Solar photovoltaic panels needed 47 million ounces of silver
The global solar photovoltaic industry alone is expected to call for 70 million ounces this year, and expected to double again — reaching 150 million ounces per year  by 2015. And this demand does not include the other tens of millions of ounces needed for the automobile industry, water purification, medical applications, and nano-silver in goods packaging and hygiene...
Total industrial demand will rise from 487 million ounces in 2010 to 666 million ounces in 2015.
In 1950, there were 10 billion ounces of available silver above ground. By 1980, that number shrank to 3.5 billion ounces. Today that figure has fallen to about 700 million ounces of above-ground, refined silver.
Above Ground World Silver Resources
aug 2011 world silver resources
The limited availability of physical silver for the industrial markets alone is enough to rebound prices to another record, past $60 an ounce.
There are about 300 million ounces of physical silver in private hands around the world. The ETFs hold another 350 million. And that's just about it.
COMEX physical supplies are running critically low — so low, in fact, the exchange is actually faced with a default.
There are now less than 30 million ounces of physical silver held at COMEX warehouses. These silver-starved warehouses could prove to be the catalyst that propels the price of silver past $150 an ounce in the near term.
Major COMEX Physical Silver Shortage Continues
Physical COMEX inventories of silver are now down to 27 million ounces. That's more than a 35% decrease since April — and down 48% in the last twelve months.
aug 2011 comex
With so little inventory, it's likely that nine out of ten COMEX traders do not have their silver contracts backed by stockpiles of the physical metal. And at this point, COMEX itself could default if as few as 5,000 contracts stood for delivery.
But the chances of COMEX actually defaulting are slim. Bear Sterns, AIG, Freddie Mac, Fannie Mae, Ford, GM, CitiGroup, Bank of America — all of these companies were bailed out by the U.S. government... There's simply no way COMEX, the world's largest physical commodity futures exchange, is going to be allowed to go underwater. Not gonna happen.
Still, fears of a default will bubble as more investors realize the scarcity of silver relative to the paper that is representing it.
Something will have to be done. Unfortunately for the government, they don't have the physical silver resources anymore to cover a default on physical COMEX inventories. The Feds sold off the country's silver reserves decades ago, and the U.S. government's current stockpile is currently reported simply as "None."
If it comes down to it, the government will have to buy massive amounts of silver in the open market to supply COMEX with the bullion to cover contracts. This would lead to explosion in silver prices straight into triple-digit territory — past $150 an ounce, and I think even testing the $200/oz level.
We will see the price of silver rise to these levels in very short order.
So don't hesitate. Buy silver today.
Good Investing,
Greg McCoach
Analyst, Wealth Daily
Investment Director, Mining Speculator and Insider Alert

NB : Directed from link http://www.wealthdaily.com/articles/200-silver-as-comex-faces-default/3184 

Friday 5 August 2011

Perniagaan – Satu Cabang Jihad oleh Tan Sri Muhammad Ali Hashim (Jcorp)

Tan Sri Muhamad Ali Hashim
by Tan Sri Muhammad Ali Hashim
Selepas tragedi 11/9, masyarakat Islam yang semakin tertekan di sarankan untuk terus mengutamakan jihad.  Namun kali ini, jihad yang dianjurkan ialah dalam usaha untuk  memperkukuhkan ekonomi dunia Islam. MengikutTan Sri Muhammmad Ali Hashim, (bekas) Ketua Eksekutif, Johor Corporation, sebab-sebab utama  masyarakat Islam perlu berbuat demikian adalah kerana kita:-
1. Mudah ditewaskan dalam perang jihad kerana kekurangan senjata.
Oleh  itu, umat Islam tidak mempunyai pilihan lain untuk menentukan kewujudan  umat sejagat.
2. Perlu membina semula kekuatan dan menghimpun kekayaan
Secara umumnya, umat Islam hidup dalam kemiskinan dan mereka jauh ketinggalan dalam bidang ekonomi. Masyarakat Islam juga dianggap  sebagai “totalitarian”, “tidak boleh bertolak ansur” dan “mundur” oleh masyarakat lain. Ini menyebabkan mereka menggelar negara Islam sebagai negara yang gagal.
3. Medan perang Abad 21 adalah  dalam dunia perniagaan dan korporat
Sistem ekonomi abad 21 yang berorientasikan sistem ekonomi kapitalis  menyaksikan organisasi-organisasi korporat berperanan dominan dalam bidang ekonomi. Pemusatan kuasa ekonomi global pada ‘multi national corporation’ (MNCs) barat mengancam penjajahan semula sesebuah negara yang turut memberi kesan kepada nilai hidup dan budaya setempat
Mengikut kajian oleh UNDP ( Human Development Report 1999), nilai harta milik tiga jutawan terkaya di dunia melebihi jumlah himpunan KDNK semua negara membangun di dunia yang mempunyai jumlah penduduk seramai 600 juta.
Oleh itu Tan Sri Ali menyarankan agar  kita bersedia menangkis ancaman kapitalisme dengan menjauhi sindrom “katak dalam air panas”, satu sifat dimana seseorang itu  akan gagal atau tewas dalam keselesaannya sendiri setelah berkhayal dan hilang pedoman dan pegangan hidup. Malah menurut beliau lagi, sistem global kapitalis tanpa sempadan adalah sesuatu yang buas dan liar, walaupun begitu, dunia terpaksa menerima kewujudannya.
Menurut Tan Sri Ali lagi, kelemahan ekonomi bangsa Melayu dan umat Islam amnya menyebabkan mereka mudah saja ditewaskan dan diketepikan di arena politik antarabangsa dan juga arena-arena lain. Oleh itu beliau menyarankan agar  kita memperjuangkan perniagaan sebagai satu cabang jihad dan meletakkan perjuangan bisnes sebagai perkara utama dalam agenda ekonomi Islam Hadhari. Peranan kepimpinan dalam perjuangan jihad ini, tegas beliau, perlu melibatkan semua lapisan usahawan, sama ada awam mahu pun swasta, dan wajib di pikul oleh semua ahli korporat Muslim.
Menyentuh tentang aset dan harta milik individu dan keluarga Melayu, beliau berkata bahawa kedudukannya amat rapuh.  Kerapuhan disebabkan oleh kelemahan peribadi usahawan, fenomena pusaka ‘sekangkang kera” dan fenomena “3 generasi”, di mana pegangan hakmilik bisnes keluarga selalunya tidak dapat bertahan lebih dari generasi ketiga pewarisnya. Sebagai contoh, 95 % dari perniagaan di negara Timur Tengah dikendali oleh pihak keluarga. Walaupun ianya menguntungkan, hanya 6% yang bertahan ke generasi ketiga dengan hanya  2% sahaja mampu bertahan ke generasi yang berikutnya.
Menurut beliau, jalan keluar utama  umat Islam memperjuangkan jihad bisnes ialah pertama, dengan menjana kekayaan dan menjadi pemegang utama kuasa ekonomi.  Langkah kedua melibatkan umat menginstitusikan hakmilik dan membina korporat gergasi Muslim yang diurus secara korporat, tetapi kepentingan majoriti hakmiliknya tidak terserah kepada individu atau keluarga kelompok kecil.  Malahan Tan Sri Ali menyarankan supaya umat Islam menilai konsep institusi waqaf korporatsebagai satu pilihan.
Beliau juga menyeru umat Islam supaya memperjuangkan nilai Islam dalam perniagaan  dengan membina sistem ekonomi yang secucuk dengan jiwa Melayu dan melihat umat Islam sebagai “ketam” yang disifatkan oleh musuhnya sebagai ‘berjalan tidak betul’. Cara Melayu berniaga, menurut beliau, perlu diubah-suai supaya secucuk dengan jiwa ‘ketam’ yang sebenarnya adalah berjalan dengan cara yang betul, iaitu di atas landasan Islam yang tidak mementingkan kepentingan individu di atas kepentingan masyarakat ramai. Dengan demikian, sistem perniagaan persaingan berlandaskan Islam perlu, antara lainnya, mempunyai ciri-ciri seperti berikut;
  • Kekuatan kita terletak pada budaya ‘fastabiqul khairat’, atau ‘berlumba-lumba untuk berbuat baik”
  • Barakah’ dari pegangan bahawa harta kekayaan adalah milik mutlak Allah SAW.
  • Kekebalan yang terdapat pada sikap bekerja/berjihad dan bukan untuk peribadi
  • Kekuasaan perjuangan sebagai ‘khalifah’ bertujuan mentamadunkan dunia untuk manusia sejagat
Menurut beliau lagi, cara ketam ‘menjalankan’ perniagaan harus berbeza dengan cara makhluk lain seperti ‘siput, umang-umang dan belangkas’ berniaga. Umat Islam perlu   memilih budaya korporat organisasi ketam yang berasaskan kepada komitmen tinggi terhadap pekerjaan yang bermanfaat, iaitu selaras dengan kehendak agama yang inginkan setiap manusia mengeluarkan barangan dan perkhidmatan lebih dari  keperluan kegunaanya sendiri.
Tan Sri Muhammmad Ali Hashim memetik Surah AsSaf, Ayat 4 yang bermaksud “Sesungguhnya Allah Taala amat menyukai orang berjihad pada jalanNya dalam barisan yang teratur seolah-olah mereka seperti satu binaan yang tersusun kukuh” untuk kita jadikan panduan.

20g Lady Fortuna Pamp Suisse Gold

Get your own 20g Lady Fortuna Pamp Suisse Gold now at GoldSilver.smsbiz . Contact 0133747792 now for quotation. Today's price 5/8/11 at 1632pm is RM 168/g . COD at Kajang/Bangi/putrajaya

Tuesday 2 August 2011

Another all-time high for gold, whatever happened to the summer lull?

Traditionally gold prices are weakest in the summer period, and yet here we are at the end of July with gold futures pointing to a fresh all-time high of $1,637.
Traders are pointing the finger at the US debt ceiling debacle and signs that the US economy is heading back into recession as the immediate reasons for the rise in yellow metal prices.
Silver up 15%
As usual the focus is on gold while silver is actually up by more in July, rising 15 per cent in the month, again also against the normal seasonal trend.
Gold and silver are increasingly being treated as an alternative currency to the US dollar that cannot be printed. The supply of precious metals remains static – or may fall if the new labor dispute in South African mines gains traction – and that ensures it will rise in value in dollar terms as the supply of dollars surges.
But it is more than that. The total reserves of gold are very small, and silver miniscule. Once demand for precious metals really takes off it will drive the price much higher than the rate of monetary inflation.
We noticed an advert on TV on the back of a WestJet flight seat for scrap silver yesterday! They never used to bother with silver because its price was too low.
Of course, a last minute deal on the US debt ceiling is expected in financial markets and that might reverse precious metals for a few weeks into their traditional summer lull.
However, what if such a deal is not forthcoming or falls way short of the compromise that is built into stock market prices? We could see a mayhem in markets.
That maybe what the Republicans want to embarrass the president who seeks re-election next year. On the other hand, they will be mindful of being blamed for a sudden stock market crash.
Blame game
And yet the incumbent president is bound to take the blame for events on his watch. Tripping him up is a part of the political theatre now, and it is arguable that extending the debt ceiling without any attempt to lower the debt is bad government. This is obvious really, so far removed has US economic management moved away from reality.
Would gold and silver go higher if financial markets came off the rails, or fall as in 2008? It is hard to say, nobody thought gold would be at a record high now, the consensus was for a correction.
Still aside from shorting stocks what else is worth doing right now aside from holding onto precious metals?
NB : directed from link : http://www.arabianmoney.net/gold-silver/2011/07/31/another-all-time-high-for-gold-whatever-happened-to-the-summer-lull/

Sunday 31 July 2011

Kiraan Inflasi Duit Ringgit Melalui Gaji Guru 1907 dan 2011 dan harga Beras.

Hari ini, kita belajar mengira inflasi duit kertas yang ada hari ini apabila ianya tidak lagi disandarkan kepada emas atau perak atau sebarang komoditi berharga.

Dahulu, duit kita adalah emas dan perak , tapi hari ini, duit kita hanya helaian kertas yang dicop nilainya.

Takpe, kita kira dulu buat perbandingan.

Sebelum tu, sila rujuk gambar 1 ringgit tahun 1907 dalam gambar di link bawah ini.

Berat  1 ringgit = 27 gram perak 90%  atau = 24.3 gram perak tulen

Ketika tahun itu 1907 , gaji guru di Penang dan harga beras dilakarkan seperti berikut
"Their salary (teacher) was about $80 a month. Rice was sold at 8 gantang for a dollar"

Kita terpaksa ambil skala gaji paling tinggi Guru (RM 5000) bagi disesuaikan dengan taraf V.I (Victoria Institution) ketika itu.

Sekarang kita memasuki fasa baru, iaitu timbangan.

Apa itu gantang?

Kita merujuk manusia pada zaman itu .

Other sources say , in the Straits Settlement a gantang was 32 imperial gallon.
1 imperial gallon (about 4.56 liters or 1.2 U.S. gallons)

** sumber lain mengatakan , di Straits Settlement , 1 gantang bersamaan 32 imperial gallon.
1  imperial gallon = 4.56 liter ,
32 imperial gallon = 145.92 liter

Melalui ujikaji yang dibuat oleh seorang sahabat saya , beliau menggunakan beras jenama "AAA Beras Bukit" yang bila ditimbang

1 liter = 820g ;
4.56 liters x 0.82kg = 3.739 kg

1 gantang straits settlement = 3.74kg (of rice) x 32 = 119.65kg (beras)

Ingat , 1 ringgit tahun 1907 boleh beli 8 gantang beras.
119.65kg x 8 gantang = 957.22kg

1 ringgit boleh membeli 957.22 kg beras.

Gaji guru pada tahun 1907 adalah 80 ringgit.
80 ringgit x 957.22 kg  = 76 576kg beras.

Secara kasar , gaji seorang guru sebulan adalah 80 ringgit atau 76 576 kg beras.

Mari kita mengira gaji guru-guru kita pada hari ini. (secara perabndingan )

Ni kita ambil gaji guru yang bekerja di sekolah, atau institusi swasta, gaji kasar RM 5000 sebulan.

Harga beras hari ini, 1 kg = RM 3.20
RM 5000 / 3.20 = 1562.5 kg beras.

Maksudnya, gaji guru kita satu bulan hari ini = 1562.5 kg beras.

Cuba kalian letak beza antara gaji guru tahun 1907 dan hari ini.

1907 - 80 ringgit  = 76 576 kg beras
2011 - RM 5000   = 1562.5 kg beras

Ada beza tak?

Tahun 1907 - 1 ringgit boleh beli 957 kg beras.
Tahun 2011 - RM 1 boleh beli  - 0. 312 kg beras sahaja .atau 312 GRAM sahaja.

Gantang Yang Kecil Sedikit

Kalau kita tengok logik dari kiraan di atas, macam keterlaluan jika kata 1 ringgit boleh beli 1 tan beras!
Melampau betul.

Ok-ok..kalau kalian rasa macam melampau, kita kira balik guna sukatan gantang selepas merdeka.
Gantang selepas merdeka ni kecil sket.

ni kiraan saya melalui laman ini punya info

1 gantang = 4 cupak = 2.8kg
1 ringgit = 8 gantang = 22.4kg beras

80 ringgit = 1792 kg beras.
perbandingan dengan gaji guru Cikgu biasa - 1563 kg.

jadi, sebenarnya inflasi ringgit itu bersamaan :

1 ringgit 1907 = 22.4 kg beras
22.4 kg beras 2011 = RM 71.68

kehilangan nilai ringgit 1907 kepada 2011 adalah

1 ringgit 1907 boleh beli = 22.4kg beras , 80 ringgit = 1792 kg beras

1 ringgit 2011 boleh beli = 312 gram beras ,RM 5000 = 1562.5 kg beras


nilai Ringgit berbanding beras susut sebanyak 98.6071% i.e. [ (0.312 kg – 22.4kg )/ 22.4kg ]x 100%.

Perhatikan bahawa jika koin Ringgit perak (27 g) dijual sebagai “raw silver” pada... harga “runtuh” RM3.00 per gram; maka koin tersebut bernilai = 27g x RM3.00/g = RM81.

Katalah 1 kg beras = RM3.20 ;

maka koin Ringgit perak setara dengan 25.31 kg beras i.e RM81/RM3.20; hampir sama dengan kesetaraan pada tahun 1907 (22.4kg). Nah! Bukankah ini bukti bahawa koin perak menyimpan nilai belinya walaupun masa berlalu 104 tahun.

Kalian lagi suka gaji dibayar dengan duit kertas lagi?

Inilah yang terjadi bila duit tak guna barang bernilai sebenar.
Kalian ingat lagi kan kisah duit daun pisang zaman jepun?

Sekarang ni, waktu untuk kembali kepada duit emas (dinar) dan duit perak (dirham).

Kalian nak tunggu duit kertas kalian tak bernilai baru terhegeh-hegeh?

Bila kita tak ikut Allah dalam urusan kehidupan kita, beginilah jadi kepada kita, setiap tahun kita dimiskinkan dan semakin susah.
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Tuesday 26 July 2011

No Matter What… Buy Silver

A lot of my friends are having kids right now. Over the weekend, we had some friends over for dinner. One of them brought his eight-year-old daughter. She loves animals, and was great with all our dogs and horses, but we ended the night exhausted! Explaining the rules, keeping a watchful eye over the bigger dogs, reminding her to use her inside voice... I'm still tired from the visit. And I can't begin to imagine how much harder it would be with two kids. Especially with the arguments, trying to decide who's right and who needs a time-out. The mainstream financial media is like a couple of eight-year-olds. We hear arguments from both sides -- corporate earnings are beating records, but at the same time joblessness could jump to 10% again. Which is it? And how do you plan an investment strategy against such bipolar predictions? Here at Smart Investing Daily, we believe the U.S. economy is at another tipping point. The recent market rallies are unsustainable, are similar to an extinction burst... You know, when a child is throwing a tantrum and he lets out one last big scream before he falls asleep. But in case I'm wrong, wouldn't it be nice to know of an investment that could make you profits if the market rises or falls? Well, I've got one for you...

Invest in Silver

Silver is an interesting precious metal. It protects against inflation like gold. But silver also has a lot of industrial uses. That makes it like copper, which booms during economic recoveries. One of the toughest aspects of gold is to find out if it's trading more as a currency or a commodity. Is gold demand up because of concerns about the debt crisis? Or is gold up because of jewelry demand in India and China? It's an important question, but one that doesn't apply in the same way to silver. Silver straddles the metals industry. Certainly, gold and platinum have industrial uses, and we like both of these precious metals as investments right now. Consider this, though. About a quarter of all platinum consumption came from recycled platinum. That's not the case with silver, and that could mean increased demand during an economic recovery. In fact, 487.4 million ounces of silver were used for industrial purposes in 2010. That's well over four times the amount of silver used to make coins and medals. That's also a gain of about 20% from 2009. Not bad in a struggling economy. With uses that span electrical circuits, water purification, photography and other industries, industrial silver demand makes up 66% of silver production. But there's another aspect of silver that should get your attention -- silver investments. World investment demand climbed 40% last year to more than 279 million ounces. And get this... Hedge funds and money managers increased their silver positions by 19% last week, according to the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission... the third week of gains. (Don't forget to sign up for Smart Investing Daily and let me and fellow editor Jared Levy simplify the market for you with our easy-to-understand articles.)

How High Could Silver Prices Go?

Bloomberg reports that silver could climb as high as $70 an ounce by next March... a jump of almost 75% from current prices. Let's take a look at a chart to see if this is a realistic forecast.This is a chart of silver futures for September delivery. See that pop from late April? A huge move... but prices fell short of silver's all-time high of $50.35 an ounce in January 1980. Since January 2011,silver prices have climbed 26%. That's not a bad gain; it beats gold's gain of 12% handily. But that's not near the pace silver would need to climb in order to meet a 75% gain by next March. Is it possible? Yes. Between September 2010 and May 2011, silver prices climbed 140%. But just as quickly, a huge chunk of that gain disappeared when silver prices dropped from $48 back below $35. Realistically, silver prices may test that all-time high by Thanksgiving. At that point, smart investors should ruthlessly protect their gains. That strong resistance silver shows around $50 an ounce will be tough to beat. Expect a drop in prices anywhere above $48. For investors considering an exchange-traded fund like the iShares Silver Trust (SLV:NYSE), look to the price spike in late April to find your resistance point. For investors looking at silver mining companies, be aware that mining costs, like fuel prices, impact profits. Keep an eye on operating margins as companies report earnings. Lower margins could mean lower earnings moving forward. Publisher's Note: Taipan's Michael Robinson is the best in the business when it comes to playing the silver market. So far this year, he has led American Wealth Underground subscribers to gains of 200%, 68%, 140% and 353%... all thanks to silver and the metals market. Michael recently unveiled his latest special report. There is a strong chance it will lead to his biggest gains yet. To learn what our silver expert has uncovered, follow the link.
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